Cheap Flights from Porto to Kailua-Kona

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We are looking for cheap Flights from Porto to Kailua-Kona during the month. If you are looking for specific dates, please use the search widget above.

Cheap Flight routes

Price from Airline
Porto Kailua-Kona
$ 990

Cheap finded tickets

Our website will find you the cheapest Flights from Porto to Kailua-Kona! We compare the prices of almost 1000 airlines, 50 agencies, 10 booking systems where you can buy tickets from Porto to Kailua-Kona!

Departure date Price Site
September 24, 2024 Porto Kailua-Kona
$ 1003

* Prices for Porto - Kailua-Kona tickets found by our users in the last 48 hours are not an offer.

General information about the Flight Porto - Kailua-Kona

  • The distance between Porto and Kailua-Kona is: 7 730 ml
  • Minimum ticket price for Porto - Kailua-Kona: $ 990
  • Average ticket price for Porto - Kailua-Kona: $ 997
  • Maximal ticket price for Porto - Kailua-Kona: $ 1003
  • Minimal Flight time from Porto to Kailua-Kona: 33 hr 59 mn
  • Average Flight time from Porto to Kailua-Kona: 33 hr 59 mn
  • Maximal Flight time from Porto to Kailua-Kona: 33 hr 59 mn

Last Porto - Kailua-Kona ticket updates

Ticket data updated June 21, 2024
4:20 AM
Route data updated June 30, 2024
5:59 PM
Nearest tickets updated

The fastest Flight from Porto to Kailua-Kona

The fastest Flight from Porto to Kailua-Kona takes 33 hr 59 mn. A ticket for the fastest Flight from Porto to Kailua-Kona will cost 1003 USD. We recommend that you buy the fastest ticket for the Porto - Kailua-Kona Flight in advance to fly as quickly as possible on site !

The cheapest Flight from Porto to Kailua-Kona

The cheapest Flight from Porto to Kailua-Kona takes 33 hr 59 mn. A ticket for the cheapest Flight from Porto to Kailua-Kona will cost 1003 USD. We recommend that you buy the cheapest ticket for the Porto - Kailua-Kona Flight in advance to fly as quickly as possible on site !